How to run a construction company with Jens Bögershausen

I recently did a poll.
It turns out that we all struggle with all sorts of problems. These are various issues, but among them are running a business, overcoming obstacles, employing people, maintaining the quality of the work performed, and finally acquiring new customers. And if we add to this the provision of construction services of various specialties in several countries on several continents, the number of variables increases almost exponentially.

In this last episode of this year (2020), as a summary and attempting to answer as many questions as possible from various fields, I invited Mr. Jens Bögershausen to the program. He recently started building a business in Poland, runs his family business in Germany, and has recently started working in Ghana, Africa.


This whole list of companies, employees, and subcontractors prompts me, an entrepreneur, to ask a simple question: How does he do it?

The owner of such a company works a lot, of course. Travels a lot, probably. But he can’t be everywhere at once. This means that finding the right associates, controlling the quality of the tasks performed, building a network of contacts, and acquiring customers become a project, not just a single task.
In fact, each of these is a separate project that must be supervised, consulted, asked the right questions and motivated people to look for the best answers.

So if you are an entrepreneur struggling with a handful of employees, you have problems with maintaining the quality and repeatability of your services, you are thinking about hiring subcontractors but you are afraid that you will not maintain the quality (as I am at the moment), this conversation is simply for you.

And regardless of whether you took part in my survey or not, you are at the stage of taking over the construction site from another company, you are acquiring the first or 1000th new customer, I recommend that you listen to the person who knows how to develop the company so as not to lose it. And the world statistics on the collapse of new companies are truly terrifying. 
So hit the subscribe button (iTunes) if you haven’t already and sit back listening.
And one more thing. Have a notebook and something to write with you, that’s for sure!


Concrete Injection Calculator

During the conversation, we mention the maintenance of the quality of work, including pressure injection of concrete cracks.
To be sure that you prepare the crack for injection correctly, you need to drill the holes well, i.e. cut the crack in half the thickness of the concrete.
Based on the thickness of the concrete, this calculator will calculate where to start drilling and at what angle.  

Concrete Crack Calculator Angle Distance

I have prepared a calculator for you that allows you to make calculations to determine the drilling distance from the crack (a) and the appropriate drilling angle for this distance. Thanks to this, depending on the distance, you will select the appropriate drilling angle, and this in turn will allow you to cut the crack in the middle of the thickness of the repaired concrete element.
Download this calculator, calculate correct distances, and the necessary drill bit length (c) based on thickness, and inject correctly. As you can see, the length of the hole (c) varies depending on the drilling angle, but all of them intersect the crack in the same place at half the thickness of the concrete. All the calculations are made on The Law of Sines. The Law of Sines (or Sine Rule) is very useful for solving triangles as shown in this scheme.


{loadposition artykulMod3}



Bögershausen Headquaters web page

Bögershausen Romania

Bögershausen Poland

Bögershausen Accra, Ghana

Bögershausen Facebook Poland

Bögershausen Facebook Gernamy

DESOI Injection-ABC 



– Click to collapse


This is episode 19 of the Concrete Injection Made Easy podcast. The last one this year.

Thank you very much for all your support and messages.


I’m planning next year based on this information.

If I plan, I follow the example of those who are better than me.


And today, at the end of the year, I invite you to meet Mr. Jens Bögershausen, the owner of Bögershausen Bau GmbH from Germany.

In this conversation, you will learn how to develop your company, how to transfer responsibilities and how much time to spend consulting with people managing the company in individual markets and countries.


This conversation is not a one selected topic. It is a broad view of making strategic decisions regarding the company’s development.

This year has shown us that we should be prepared for one thing only, for everything. 

And since so, the exchange of experience and listening to those who are doing well even in a crisis is priceless.


So now, Without further ado, I invite you to listen to this conversation.

Make sure you hit subscribe if you haven’t already and sit back listening.

This is Mr. Jens Bögershausen.


How are you doing today?


Jens Bögershausen 

Fine, thank you. Monday is not the best day because on some contracts on site are always trouble. But today it’s very quiet. I’m


Mateusz Furs 

feeling good. I think I have to admit that this is the first first recording Monday recording because we both work in the same construction site industry. And yeah, I agree that Monday is sometimes is the worst day because there are so many things that we are informed after the weekend is over. So many changes. Many people call because they change their mind and so on and so on. So I agree. I’m pretty sure that this conversation this interview with you will be totally different than all the others because usually we dive with my guests and we describe on the one given injection technology, I am really asking my guest questions about how to how to choose the right injection resin, how to repair an expansion joint and so on. So, today, we are talking about how to run a company in this industry. So tell me the day you started to think that you become an entrepreneur How was it?


Jens Bögershausen 

Our company I’m in the 4th generation and our company started at 1909 here in Germany, but this time my grand grand grandpa makes only on my grandpa my father too I’m making only houses 1-2-4-5 family houses one family houses and and for the year in my in this area is many Agra industries and we went for chicken and pigs and so, this is what my father and so make and now I decided to go another way and I have a company where we making repair floors and making new floors and so and we have always the same problems had there, because we have cracks, we have joined, we have we must repair countries and so on. So it was very easy to say okay, now we make in a new way. We’re making repair concrete we making resin coatings and injections. Okay, well survey, and it was interesting for me. And so I must learn many about this job or about the jobs and now we’re making over 10 years only this in refurbishment.


Mateusz Furs 

I see. So at the beginning, you say you started to repair your own construction site for yourself. And then I guess you started to run this as a regular business. Am I right? 


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. Yes. Was the other company the upkeep plan for us and when we go into the industries and repair industries, floors, concrete and so there we have the same problems them that we must sometimes make injection too, because there are cracks and so on. And so we can go into the business for refurbishment.


Mateusz Furs 

Okay, tell me because I know it from my own experience that it’s not easy to start something new or you know, grow your business in so many different different directions because you mentioned repairing floorings and injections and there are two huge different industries within this construction industry. So my question is how do you do it? How’d you do it that you are able to really cover all this basis?


Jens Bögershausen 

it was very easy for me because my father said when you go into the building industries, and you must learn bricklayer and concrete farmer, and so I’ve really learned it three years. And then I work at my father and then I make master. That’s a professional school one year, and I was done, I was in Germany called my style. And I have all the basics now for concrete and brick. And so I have the basics. And that is very easy for me to to make other things like injection with cement, or concrete repair. I know that concrete and what what was new is resonant for us now it was a resin. Now, another way that I must learn, but I learned it in the other company. When we make floors, sometimes we must make resin floss, too. And though, so I’ve learned all this. And then it was easy to say, okay, it was a building company, we changed it and made refurbishment because the knowledge I have, so I must only go deeper in this amount that was no problem is make some causes. And I’ve learned all this stuff.


Mateusz Furs 

So many things. You are the main person, the CEO of the company? And do you have and how many people because I guess that it’s nearly impossible to do all these things on your own? So the question is, how do you find the right employees? And how do you put them on the right positions in your in your company?


Jens Bögershausen 

That is the biggest problem in Germany, because we


Mateusz Furs 

not only not only in Germany,


Jens Bögershausen 

yes, because that is a reason for two years, we go to Poland to we have a branch in Poland. And we have got Polish employees, we train them. And they become training from Poland too. And that is a very good, very big problem to get good employees that we only search, and search, search. Will be we talk with material industries now as they know somebody will want to change and we can come to us and it’s not easy, but we always try it. And then so now we want to make a little bit more of our social media to get good employees. And now we have in our group we have in Germany, our headquarter in Goldenstedt we have branch and Hamburg. We have in Poland, a branch now in Romania, and in Ghana, in Africa. Wow. And we have we have 26 employees.


Mateusz Furs 

together in all these countries?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, yes. Yes.


Mateusz Furs 



Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, no, but we have many subcontractors. Yeah. I think for for us when we make for example, resin floors, somebody or company comes on the blast track. We don’t make it alone. We make little areas that make us feel safe about big areas, we take subcontractor for this. But when we get the job and we started there and the first person is the blastrac. Then always, site contractor site manager is on the contractor side and look are full of this because when the blast happens coming, then he see Oh, so phases. For example, Craig’s now he has a resume in this car, and they can close it, he can make photos of all our construction Mental Health app where they can make photos and documentation of the construction site. Solid, it’s easy. The photos are in the cloud. He caught he in the office and said oh we have some cracks here after the breast tracks and the back office can send to the plan are to the owners of photos, we see here some show some cracks to be closer. So I say always please closes and somebody is here, when the client at the construction site has a question, then he see the man was a big B on the back. And you can ask him, so we our system to work,


Mateusz Furs 

I also try to grow my company. And I also tried a couple of times to use and hire subcontractor or subcontractors in my injection project. But I find it very difficult, because it’s not easy to remain the quality. There are different companies, they repair cracks differently, they take different angles when drilling, they tend to choose different kinds of presence. The when a other example when they are about to inject and and seal the expansion joint. So they don’t clean the internal expansion joint walls good enough, in my opinion. So sometimes they don’t, they don’t do it at all. But they simply drill and try to inject bearbeitet resin forming resin into this expansion, john, I don’t like it. So frankly, speaking, from time to time, I choose to do it on my own, even if my clients will have to wait for me longer, because I’m sure that the job will be done correctly. So how do you do this in so many countries with so many people with so many subcontractors?


Jens Bögershausen 

For example. Now we have a constructio site at the North See. there was an old office building and the ground floor, the walls are wet. And now we must make with acrylate gel. We close the walls, the walls are one meter 20 wide. So our team comes there and site where we must drill. And we must drilling over 7000 holes. And that


Mateusz Furs 

is really, really


Jens Bögershausen 

Valley and then then 1,10 m deep. So they make it sign at all. And then we take subcontract as they’re only drilling, but when about two of our employees on the construction side, and look after this, they making the injection and the elbows only drilled for a little bit like Donald Trump threw a baby dress. And so we can make it.


Mateusz Furs 

So basically you don’t sell this job to subcontractor and you leave them alone.


Jens Bögershausen 

No, no, no, no, no, no, never. We are what I told you before. We have always one man on the construction site. Never subcontractor alone, never. Hmm. So there’s always troubles with this.


Mateusz Furs 

Okay. I guess that it would be because I thought that this is the solution on my own as well, years ago, but my construction sites are not that big. So the margin and possible, you know, money to be earned, are not big enough to really so I’m not able to put one or two people working with this subcontractor company on the on the on the job site. It’s it’s a little bit, I guess, more complicated, but I have to find a solution for that. Because I have more and more clients. And they were they wants to work with me with my brand with my company with my employees. So I have to choose how to overcome this in the future. And that is why I’m asking this this question. So your answer is to keep at least one employees of mine on the job site working with them and actually watching them how they how they work and control and control patients.


Jens Bögershausen 

It’s very important. Yes, and documentation that because when we make the injection now this contraction side, we all documentation And every hole how much acrylate gel  going into and signed on the wall and which hold kept coming out now that we all see later because we can control later. If we have close the wall, we only can see where gel is coming out at the next hole. Yeah, that would be the communicaton.


Mateusz Furs 

Tell me do you use the same contract or subcontractors in those different countries meaning Germany Poland, Romania, because this is Europe, so it’s closer, or you have subcontractors in every single region, different companies.


Jens Bögershausen 

And every and every company as we have here will head off head office with other companies in for example, in Hamburg, and Poland and Africa.


Mateusz Furs 

Yeah, that’s


Jens Bögershausen 

about but they but everybody in this in the branch knows who want to was him he wanted to work together because they know us now with their relation. And so it’s no problem.


Mateusz Furs 

So do you think it’s possible that let’s say you are about to, to run a contract, where you have to inject let’s say 300 running meters of crack and in Poland and more or less same same contract in Ghana, do you think that those cracks will be injected in exactly the same way using exactly the same resin?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, we take and Africa the same resin like in Germany, because we work there was a German producer together


Mateusz Furs 

okay, and so well, choosing the same resin is easy because you simply buy the same the same product, but how about actually applying meaning injecting this resin? So you have to drill the holes exactly the same way? The same amount of holes, the same angles the same diameter and so on? Is it easy? I guess it’s not to really remain the same quality level in all those construction sites.


Jens Bögershausen 

is a good question. But when you make the injection he’ll you’ll you’ll have your controlling about next packer you’ll see it somehow he comes out or not enough to see how many resin you inject into the fall on the wall. And then you’ll have a little bit more control but I said it’s almost the same we have but what we have as our problems Who said I was a climat and Africa we have 78 degrees and and the air retinas by 95% humidity now that was sometimes Yes. The problem but we have training our employees like Germany, we call it SE for for men. It’s it’s certificate forget from the German Concrete Association, and then the two weeks training and you must repeat that refreshes, or two years, one day or two days. And this course we have it on English, and we make it our employees in Africa too.


Mateusz Furs 

Okay, that’s cool. This is so you also train your all your employees. Yeah, that’s absolutely great and reasonable to keep them informed and keep them trained. All all the time. 


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, it is important that is that is our now-how is our employees work? The construction side?


Mateusz Furs 

You say that you work on different markets, at least three different markets in Europe and in Africa. Can you tell us a little bit so what kind of, you know, how do you compare those markets? Do you compare it? Are there any changes in each of each Each and every of these markets?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, a prices are different.


Mateusz Furs 

Okay. I guess the German market is the most expensive, I guess.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. Yes. But there are many companies will make this the jobs I think we must going out of was as a companies with our documentation and so on now that the client is this man, that’s so important fine. And so we want to get the job because we may make not only the work, projection, we making very good documentation of the material, how we make it, we make photos, and they become very, very long PDF with each day what we have make how many we have make. And so and i think so we can let that grow out of the group who makes us jobs.


Mateusz Furs 

Cool, cool, cool. Cool, I have to admit that my documentation just describes the whole work we’ve done, we gave the specification about them, the products, running meters, you know, something that, like the biggest mistakes, we have found pictures describing this, but I’m not, I’m not telling you to my client, what we have done each day, and not that we got big so much in details.


Jens Bögershausen 

 because we have to be about at first because we have this app, friends I can make every day, every minute photos, and they make photos with the material that these you can see the charge number of material. Because of this, we make of Ark when the one one is ready, he goes back and make one photos or some more. Then we have all documentation. And we have problems, some all the documentation,


Mateusz Furs 

Your general contractor, can you tell me a little bit about what is the share of injection in your turnover? Like in the in the person this is it’s like 40% ,30 or 5, more or less give or change every


Jens Bögershausen 

s? I don’t? It’s not easy to change, I think


Mateusz Furs 

is it increasing or decreasing? 


Jens Bögershausen 

Now it is increasing. But and sometimes we have a job we make a concrete repair, you make injection and coating now. And so when I take it together I think 40% 


Mateusz Furs 

40% is injection. Again, okay. Two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, I had a I had a podcast and I was talking with the representative of the Forum on Injection Technology. This meeting was supposed to take place in November this year, it was canceled. So Mr. Marvin Klostermeier, from the Bauverlag BV GmbH told me that in Germany, there is a plan for 10 years from 2020 to 2030 that 70% of the money are going to be spent on the infrastructure, meaning roads and the railway will be for not the new ones. But for the repairs used. Yeah, all the repairs. So I guess this is huge money. Do you have a plan for your company for yourself? To to win some of this money in Germany?


Jens Bögershausen 

So tenders? Yeah, yes. Germany, making tenders and the cheapest win rate.


Mateusz Furs 

I know we have this. We have we have the same situation in Poland, the cheapest wins. Yes. And they have a problem how to how to do it with such a low amount of money?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. And same in Germany and sometimes you can work directly for fortune five little villages or cities. And so and that’s no problem. But when they are making the tender and they make it all over the EU, then that’s a problem because the pricing is very, very low. That I said, Yes, we take a part of this now. Yes. And I always wonder when I see the results. You will Have you considered whether it was a big company and the price is a new wow and I can’t understand that and because an employee want to have money too absolutely I can’t understand it and so on so we be working for for industries and and or under other companies and so it’s easier sometimes. Mm hmm. or planning planning officers were planning this now for us that is the first that job sale


Mateusz Furs 

so how do you find clients? Like what is your best way for finding a good client, paying client, the client you will really feel you want to work with.


Jens Bögershausen 

I think 90% is mouth of mouth advertising. Mouth is really so we are not so big in advertising. But when you when you get a job and there was a plan on PCs that you make a jobs and he calls me or write me a I have yet another project. Can you make it off of there too? And this is mostly where we get jobs.


Mateusz Furs 

Absolutely agree I have exactly I have exactly the same situation. It works from 2013 and I step I still say that we didn’t have even one day off for all these years there are there are even more companies more clients willing to have us on their job sites. So this is it. World of mouth


Jens Bögershausen 

but it is about the best jobs now. And you’ll not get the job over a tender and I think that it’s good content, you know that the planner want to work with you and exactly knows. Okay, you can go you can have a good troublesome together. It’s important to and then everybody has one


Mateusz Furs 

they say that the this relationship business relationship is built, they trust you and they simply want to work with you. Again and again. This is it.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. Yes. Yes.


Mateusz Furs 

Okay, so we do we do it exactly the same way. which is which is cool. I guess this is the absolutely the best the best way of for finding new job sites, new clients and growing you’re growing your business. What is the most injection job? You do? Is it crack injection? Or if not, what is this?


Jens Bögershausen 

No, I think waterproofing, quick conviction Yes. In January, we started a new job, there’s a highway and we must there are many cracks, we must close it. But for the most I think it’s waterproofing.




Mateusz Furs 

What do you mean by saying waterproofing because I inject cracks, let’s say in the underground parking place. And this is waterproofing we are filling the crack in order to stop the water leakages.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. Always acrylate gel, it it’s that is only only waterproofing for me.


Mateusz Furs 



Jens Bögershausen 

Okay. Sometimes correctly, they are dry. They’re only close and to get together. But the most is waterproofing.


Mateusz Furs 

I think all right, so what is the most common the material? Is it Bo resin or is it i acrylite? I guess it’s accurate in that case?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, because this was acrylates only use many many many kilos of when you because when you make acrylate  out of the wall in the earth you you meet more when you make these awards and you have mostly a wall meter wall wide. And when you PU we have only the cracks. That’s it one or maximum two millimeters now it’s not so much.


Mateusz Furs 

Yeah. So when you I always smile that when we inject the crack and the biggest consumption goes to fill the holes we drilled, not the crack.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, exactly.


Mateusz Furs 

And so I want to come back a little bit to this business part of the of the conversation. And I would like to ask you if you make all the decisions that are necessary to run a business like yours, do you do with your own? Or do you have your employees that are able to take some, at least some of the decisions?


Jens Bögershausen 

I first cleanser construction site, that when our employees on the construction side, they can often change it? Many times. And so they must decided what they want about but sometimes say they asked me because it was our app. They showed me photos and what we were saying, what do we make for eyes control? And then we decided to make it so so then it’s going.


Mateusz Furs 

So does it look like this that they they call you from the job site?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, yes. they have so many experience, it’s no problem for them, as they say, No one must do one candle.


Mateusz Furs 

Sure. Okay. I have the same, including that sometimes they they call me at 2am. Because they have the night, night shift. And there is a two 2am phone call that last 15 seconds. And the question is, should they do this or that? And I asked them the question, what would you do? So I will do I will do this? Let’s do it. and of discussion? Yes, yes. Yes. Okay, how many people? How many of these? Let’s say let’s call them decision makers, you have? I know that you have this lady working in Poland. So she is CEO here in Poland? So I guess she is a decision maker? Do you have many people like like she is who is able, who is a CEO of a given company, your company, and is able to make a decision for this given? market? The given company in a given country?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. Every company has a CEO. And they make a big make every week to calls we get calls together. Discuss or questions or what? 


Mateusz Furs 

The whole situation I guess.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, yes. So where is he on in Microsoft Teams, until we have groups at for every company we can chat over this is easy. And if I we are I always call over teams and I call our lady here on the ground floor or I call Poland or Romania or Africa, it’s always the same for me. It’s only one click.


Mateusz Furs 

one click one click away. There. They are one quick. Yeah, one click away from you.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. And so…


Mateusz Furs 

how much time does it take to have this kind of conversation? Is it half of a conversation? No. It’s like just two hours. How much time do you spend every week?


Jens Bögershausen 

4 hours , I think yes. 


Mateusz Furs 

once a week for hours and on Friday are twice with Okay. Yes, I know I rent in like many books that there is this poor statistics saying that, you know, new company that just started most probably will be closed within the first five years. They say that almost 90% of new established companies are being closed within the first five years. How do you do it in your new markets to avoid this, this this kind of situation


Jens Bögershausen 

As we are starting with a really little company, and we are growing slowly, not too fast. I think that is it. And I think the most has a problem that they take too much money out of the company. But I think the first five years you can’t get money out of the company, because you are growing you need money there. And yeah, that I think that is a problem. And sometimes the structure now, they don’t forget. So tax authority and so on. And I know in Germany is the same now. The companies when they, and what they earning, they think that their profit, but it’s not profit , you must pay taxes and so on. And so some most proper muscles, companies,


Mateusz Furs 

I can tell you that you first at least three years, I wasn’t earning any money, every single money that company earned, I was reinvesting all the time, all the time, you know, even my wife asked me, if there will be a day that I will finally give some money home. So, well, at least for years of this hard working and not earning too much, or almost nothing, because I was really fighting and to be able to stay, stay alive, stay working, being able to pay my employees and for all this Gold’s resin, whatever it was, because I really wanted to stay and work. So now the situation is different, obviously. But this is almost eight years on the market. So after eight years, I guess the situation is, is simply different than the very first days and weeks and weeks and months.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, yes, we do have the same Yeah. Hmm. 


Mateusz Furs 

Do you have let’s say a tip you would like to share with young entrepreneurs starting to they you know, going into this industry perhaps even thinking about starting their own company in this concrete, remedial concrete works industry, what would be your tips, what will be your answer to these people?


Jens Bögershausen 

Since important thing is to make really good work. And I think when you make the drills now, all 20 centimeters, make it more trendy ascending makeup not 25, 20! documentation that because when something is going badly, and you must pay for this and as a really big problem, and now mutation causes, because we must give guarantee for four or five years and so when we go communication or and make the work load the norm, then it’s our right because when some something else is later for example, water comes through or what else not and you have a big problem and makes the right offer and contracts now Yeah, because for for for example, when we make waterproofing injection, we write in our contract okay on the offer Okay, we make the objection, but it could be that we have not or close we must come must come again and make the rest and you must pay for this and not i have i ever company offers for expert for the way I work for the court for justice and so, and I see always problems there, because if somebody makes a contract to be closed crack, so and then you must close it for this money no when you come 20 times you must close it for this money. And since that is the mostly problem, young company said that they have not a clearly contract.


Mateusz Furs 

Yeah. And this five years really last long when it comes to give guarrantee because there can be a problem. In the fourth year, yeah. Then you have to come over to this job site and repair it and you pay not the client this time. Yes, yes. Do you have any, like books or something like this that you would suggest to your subcontractors are young enterpreneurs to read in order to give knowledge to gain knowledge,


Jens Bögershausen 

I think the ABC from ABC injection from DESOI, they make a book that’s very good. They can get many informations. And the next is to go to material producer and ask them, can you show me and training me and give me informations that make it to because they want to sell?


Mateusz Furs 

And sure they do it.


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes. That information and, and to help the first contraction side. So now, I’m guessing that was the best way?


Mateusz Furs 

Do you think that it’s a good idea for young people to start working for a company like yours, or any other bigger companies for a couple of years to train themselves? before they start their own company? 


Jens Bögershausen 

Guess why not? You can learn it and see what risks aren’t some jobs. And then you can discover them they can assignment to see want to have the risk on their own shoulder? Or they say no, I want to be a company and I want to be a side miniatures and has a good job too. And no risk on the own show loss.


Mateusz Furs 

Yeah, a couple of couple of years ago, I had an employee who wanted to become an enterpreneur later. But first he wanted to work and see how this how this industry looks from from the inside of the contractor company. And after, sometimes he told me that he is now he is not so sure if he wants to start because he’s he’s seen, you know, many problems with clients difficulties on a job site. You know, he were about to enter this job sites today. But something went wrong, and they didn’t accept him to enter. So he didn’t start and I told him, Look, if you didn’t go there, and you did nothing, no one is going to pay you because the job is not down. So you lost whole day. Yeah, you will get the salary from me. But if you are this subcontractor, you will be paid nothing. 


Jens Bögershausen 

 Yes. This is not easy to I think it’s not easy. When you have not directly the content presented to the client. It’s It’s not easy. It’s better with the contract directly. And no buddy is between and since the big construction companies there are not the best clients because they only earn money. If they are not pay the invoices or subcontractors. That’s a waste of money. I don’t like to work for those companies


Mateusz Furs 

probe for the biggest one. Yep, I guess that’s it. It may be true may be true to me. So why did you choose to go to Ghana? Why Ghana why Africa? Do you have this do you do you know this market or you’re just getting to know this market? And tell me a little bit about about this idea.


Jens Bögershausen 

Oh, for five years we making for a German material producer for the manager, we refurbish when the own house and Monheim. We are always in contact. And last year in November, he called me and if I’m interesting to look and travel to Ghana, they have made a new factory there and we want to look and  Okay, now I come with you. I fly with you. And then we fly to Ghana and then they have make job interviews organized job interviews. Okay. He shows me and said yes, he is a market man. Do you want to go Yeah, nah, we do support you. It’s no problem. So that is the reason why I’m going to Ghana.


Mateusz Furs 

okay. So, almost a year now in Ghana, do you already build something repaired something did you inject something there?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, we making the first thing we make is COVID, 19 hospitals will make they are the floors and floors and the first jobs and we make injection that coatings, concrete work to them. And waterproofing many waterproofing.


Mateusz Furs 



Jens Bögershausen 

so many problems with that. So


Mateusz Furs 

injection is, is needed everywhere. What is the biggest reason for injections? It’s waterproofing right?


Jens Bögershausen 

Yes, the biggest is I think waterproofing and sometimes you have buildings with concrete problems as they must. There are cracks and must be taken together. But mostly I think waterproof. Yes. waterproof. Yeah.


Mateusz Furs 

I guess that 85 to 90% of my of my job sites of my task on the job site is waterproofing. It’s masonry, concrete, whatever it is, but we simply are asked to seal the structures mainly underground part of the structures. Yes,


Jens Bögershausen 

yes. Yes. The same in Germany too.


Mateusz Furs 

Yes. So I guess that this markets are more or less the same. We are all fight against water trying to get into this underground structure. So the markets are more or less, more or less the same? Yeah, since so as soon as Do you have anything else that you would like to tell in the end? Or perhaps you have some questions to my end to our listeners?


Jens Bögershausen 

Oh, very interesting. But the market in the future after COVID, then is very interesting. And that wordwide now? As a economic growing up again? I don’t know. I’m very interesting and such questions. And yes, that is what I, I’m interesting in the future.


Mateusz Furs 

I asked the same question to my listeners and to packer producers. And in one of the previous episodes, there are four different producers answering questions, and one of these is the what is the future for our industry? And they tell the main answer was that our remedial industry is growing. We are building worldwide, we use concrete worldwide. And finally this concrete will need our help. Yeah, so our presence is absolutely necessary. On the job sites. we rebuild all the buildings, we repaired all structures, we watertight tight the underground parking places. Let’s say this is the biggest example. So I guess that our industry will be still growing. hopefully, 


Jens Bögershausen 

yes, I think to Yes, a yes but I seem to because when you have for example a parking garage and there’s water in the ground floors and every problem said Do it now close correct now we absolutely don’t have money the owner and so I think that is not at a high race and and so many things must be repaired and they don’t come rate so I savage flat Shoffner? talent now britches industries now, there are so many things who must be running and so I think this market injection will never be going down.


Mateusz Furs 

Yeah, I agree. So, this is this is absolutely good finish for our conversation. We agreed that we hopefully won’t be left alone and we will be able to grow our businesses. Hopefully together. If you are entering Polish market, then I’m here working so please remember that and take my company and myself into consideration to work with me as well. Thanks for this conversation. And thank you very much for spending this almost one hour with me. Sharing your knowledge sharing your experience with me and with my podcast listeners. Many thanks.


Jens Bögershausen 

Okay, thank you all very much. And I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Mateusz Furs 

Thank you very much at all of us. See you.



I hope you took notes, I have mine here.

Thank you everyone for listening to this podcast episode.

The podcast will be back in due course in 2021.


Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you. 

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