furs mateusz inblok 1

Mateusz Furs

Mateusz Furs

Poland, 1988. A seven-year-old boy playing in the sand helping to build a house. He carries concrete in his bucket. He also has a more responsible occupation. A tripod of a yellow electric winch is attached to the tree, the only one at that time in a town near Warsaw. The boy attaches the hook to the wheelbarrow’s ears, presses the button and the concrete enters the 3rd floor of the building. In the end, it is the hardest because the wheelbarrow hangs on the rope without the possibility of landing on the ceiling. A worker upstairs swings a wheelbarrow and in that exact moment when it is above the ceiling, the little helper presses the down arrow button to let wheelbarrow fall on the floor.
This work teaches him responsibility in performing tasks, cooperating and harmonizing in a team. The memory of the smell of fresh concrete and the feeling of creating great things stays deep in him.

Construction ends in 1989. In the same year, around the unaware young man, many changes in the world are being made.
These great changes will allow him 16 years later to study at the Ecole Supérieure du Bois in Nantes, France. Then it will enable him to work and training in concrete repair and injections in Germany. There, he reminds his childhood and construction work. He learns modern building materials and machines for their application. Soon he designs repair technologies himself. Se also trains contractors.
The desire to create his own great things returns.

At the end of 2012, he starts to build a company. People asked for help and trust provide support, the company is growing. The founder feels to be on a wave. New teams and new opportunities are being build. New departments are created. People are eager to work in a place that gives them confidence and participation in ambitious projects. The work gives the opportunity to test abilities. An organizational system is created that brings order and repeatability. These advantages are so desirable because they mean quality and understanding of the needs of customers.



furs mateusz inblok 1

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