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Nie jesteś pewien, która usługa jest dla Ciebie?.Wszędzie tam, gdzie ściany są murowane, pojawia się konieczność zabezpieczenia konstrukcji przed podciąganiem kapilarnym wilgoci. Formą takiego zabezpieczenia jest wykonanie izolacji poziomej – czyli zatrzymanie procesu podciągania kapilarnego wilgoci w strukturze muru.

  • Autor: admin-inblock • 20 maja 2021

    Range of all injection applications

    Inside, Between, Above…  This 23rd podcast episode will explain the wider applicability of fundamental injection rules around. When I was learning injection, nothing helped me as much as this broad view of the issue. I’m going to construction and what’s…
  • Autor: admin-inblock • 6 maja 2021

    The commandment of need in the concrete injection industry based on The Millionaire Fastlane by M. J. DeMarco

    Making money in the concrete injection repair industry is far more than just drilling holes and injecting resin. There’s a lot you can do to make your business more like an automated money-spinning machine like Amazon, Facebook, or Google. Does your…
  • Autor: admin-inblock • 26 kwietnia 2021

    Concrete Injection Drilling Calculator

    Today is a day with a lot of news. Note, I am giving away knowledge, just download it to automate your activity in the concrete repair industry. This episode is entirely about how to prepare for crack injection in concrete….